A large open-pit mine with terraced layers and a water body at the bottom. The exposed earth shows a variety of colors, indicating different soil and rock types. There is construction equipment visible on the terraces and some vegetation in the surrounding area.
A large open-pit mine with terraced layers and a water body at the bottom. The exposed earth shows a variety of colors, indicating different soil and rock types. There is construction equipment visible on the terraces and some vegetation in the surrounding area.


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A large, yellow construction drill rig is operating on a rocky terrain, creating a cloud of dust. It is surrounded by loose stones and earth, with hills in the far background. The machine is equipped with hoses and drilling components, indicating its use in mining or construction work.
A large, yellow construction drill rig is operating on a rocky terrain, creating a cloud of dust. It is surrounded by loose stones and earth, with hills in the far background. The machine is equipped with hoses and drilling components, indicating its use in mining or construction work.
A person is drawing a detailed geological or topographical sketch on white paper. Various colored pencils are scattered above the paper on a white desk. The sketch appears to depict a cross-section of land with annotations.
A person is drawing a detailed geological or topographical sketch on white paper. Various colored pencils are scattered above the paper on a white desk. The sketch appears to depict a cross-section of land with annotations.